

Here’s the list I made in December 2020 for what I wanted to get done. Time to check in and see what I did.

  • For now, I’ve taken the RedOwl Jekyll theme but eventually I’ll need to make it my own. I want this page to be my own by the end of the year!
  • Finish out the Data Analyst track of DataQuest
  • Explore both the Data Scientist and Data Engineer Tracks in DataQuest
  • Complete my first (real) Kaggle competition
  • Post here once a week, as of 1/1/2021

I have started to modify my page theme but have by no means finished. This one is definitely still a WIP.

Finishing out the Data Analyst track and exploring both the Data Scientist and Data Engineer tracks are, honestly quite obviously, not done. I had no expectation of finishing those out. I did however, finish the new SQL Skills Path that DateQuest recently released. I felt I needed to solidify my SQL skills and practice them some more so I took a step to the side and went through and completed that path and I definitely feel like I have a more solid understanding of basic SQL.

I am proud to say that I did complete my first Kaggle competition. Some may argue that it was not “real” since it was the tutorial, but po-tay-to po-ta-to. It was the Titanic - Machine Learning From Disater project which is laid out well to introduce you both to the Kaggle platform and to the tutorials and help that the site offers. I was able to successfully build a model to predict out would live and die given a dataset of passengers on the Titanic. A bit morbid but oddly interesting at the same time! I was also able to learn a bit about underfitting and overfitting models to get the best prediction as well as how to build a random forest model using scikit-learn. Kaggle is definitely a space I want to explore more. I believe it’s a great way to find interesting datasets to analyze as well as a great resource to see different methodologies for approaching those datasets through how others uses have analyzed them.

I have failed to post once a week as of the start of 2021. I guess I should just give up now? I’m a failure…

Of course not! The real purpose of the weekly posts was to keep myself accountable. If instead of posting once a week I complete a challenge, learn about a new library or reimagine my entire website, I count that as a win.

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

Swimming on - time to set some more goals!

Let’s move forward a couple as-is first:

  • Finish out the Data Analyst track of DataQuest
  • Explore both the Data Scientist and Data Engineer Tracks in DataQuest

Next, let’s move forward and modify a couple more:

  • Find my own emmyoop Jekyll theme to make my site my own by the end of the month
  • Find another Kaggle competition to compete in and get set up to start it

And a more concrete/attainable/short term goal:

  • Finish the SQL course for Data Analysts in DataQuest by the end of the month

Finally, let’s organize those goals!

Short Term for February 2021

  1. Find and implement my own website theme
  2. Finish the SQL for Data Analysts
  3. Find and get set up for another Kaggle competition

    Long Term for Spring 2021

  4. Finish out the Data Analyst track of DataQuest
  5. Explore both the Data Scientist and Data Engineer Tracks in DataQuest